Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are durable, and are made out of ceramic. These veneers can be matched exactly to the shade of your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are the most common type of veneer used because of the ability to really customize the veneer to best fit your teeth. Porcelain veneers preserve as much of your existing tooth as possible, and give patients a long lasting smile.
Lumineers are another type of porcelain veneer that can help to improve a patient’s smile. This type of veneer requires minimal tooth preparation, and the material is thinner and easily applied compared to traditional porcelain veneers. Placement of lumineers can be done without injections or anesthesia, and give patients the same benefits and long lasting results.
Composite Resin
Composite resin veneers give the same results and benefits compared to traditional porcelain veneers. This type of veneer helps with chips, teeth length, and gaps between teeth. Composite resin veneers are less expensive, making this a budget friendly choice for patients. The life of a composite resin veneer is not as long as traditional porcelain veneers. Composite resin veneers are applied in a similar fashion with minimal tooth preparation.
CEREC Veneers
CEREC veneers (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) allows our doctor to create and design veneers for patients using our in-office milling unit. With CEREC veneers there is no waiting, and the veneers can be made right in our office. This type of veneer is quick, durable, and long lasting. CEREC veneers give patients a beautiful white smile in just one visit.
Zirconia veneers are typically used for patients that have severely decayed or damaged teeth. This type of veneer is helpful for patients that are looking for an option that is stronger than porcelain veneers. Zirconia is typically used for back teeth, and this type of material can add strength to teeth to prevent wear and tear.
If you are interested in finding out how you may benefit from veneers, contact Dental Designs of Stroud to schedule your consultation.